How can We help you?

New to Coupa? The Help Center has everything you need to know to successfully engage with your customers on Coupa.

Creating an account with Coupa for the first time

If this is your first time using Coupa you’ll need to register an account by following some simple steps.

Filling out the Request for Information form

We can help guide you through the RFI process, and give answers to some common questions.

Setting up users in the Coupa Supplier Portal

You already have your account set up, but you need to add more users from your company, set up their permissions and customer access.

Setting up e-Invoicing

There’s just a few steps to take to get 
e-Invoicing set up the first time.

The purchase order process

Invoices are sent against a purchase order, so you’ll need to have your POs set up first.

Creating invoices

When you’re ready to send an invoice for payment, walk through the steps here to get it sent fast.

Coupa Overview

Information on the Coupa system, navigation and interface.


Information on Coupa’s Catalog Management solutions

Pay Solutions

Get paid faster with virtual cards, digital checks, early pay discounts and more

Shipment Notices and Tracking

Real time shipment tracking and Advance Shipment Tracking Notices


All about Coupa Sourcing

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your frequently asked questions.

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Send an email to [email protected]