Get Paid Faster
with virtual credit cardS

Receive payments with secure virtual cards issued as soon as your invoice is approved.

If your business accepts credit card payments, virtual cards from Barclays offer a faster way to get paid. 

Get paid quickly

Virtual card payments are issued right when your invoice is approved instead of net terms.

Get paid securely

Virtual cards are sent by secure email to the payments email address you specify.

Get paid easily

Charge your virtual credit card just like you charge a physical credit card.

How it works


Get notified

You’ll receive a secure email with the virtual card number, expiration date, and CVV. See our Quick Reference Guide for more details.


Charge your card

Charge the card just like a physical card using your existing merchant account.


Go to payments tab

In the Coupa Supplier Portal, you’ll find payment status and details in the Invoice Payments section within the Payments tab.


No subscriptions, hidden fees or costs

Works with your existing merchant account, and Coupa doesn’t charge you anything for it. If you don’t have a merchant account, we’ll work with you to set one up.

Greater payment visibility

Online Remittance Advice makes closing your books a breeze with instant e-invoicing reconciliation for greater visibility and compliance of customer payments.

Instant settlement with optional straight-through processing services

Receive instant online invoice payments from anywhere, any customer and in any currency around the world. For touchless card processing, connect your existing or new Stripe account in the Coupa Supplier Portal. Learn how here.

Frequently Asked Questions